Let's Re-Elect
Tony Kranz
About Mayor Tony
Proudly Serving Encinitas for over a decade
Mayor Tony Kranz is a lifelong Encinitas local, deeply rooted in our community. His Encinitas journey began in 1960, growing up along the Pacific Ocean shoreline and attending local schools. After serving as an air traffic controller in the Army National Guard and living briefly in Minnesota, Tony returned home to Encinitas to raise his family with his wife Cynthia.
After 10 years as an Encinitas City Councilmember and now as our Mayor, he’s still dedicated to protecting Encinitas’ natural resources, improving residents’ quality of life, promoting social justice, and providing solutions to homelessness.
Click here to watch Tony’s tour of Encinitas, personally showing you what he’s accomplished for our city!
Tony's Take
Check out the details about what Tony Want's to talk about today.
Mayor Tony Kranz is a lifelong Encinitan, deeply rooted in our community. His Encinitas journey began in 1960, growing up along the Pacific Ocean shoreline and attending local schools. After serving as an air traffic controller in the Army National Guard and living briefly in Minnesota, Tony returned home to Encinitas to raise his family with his wife Cynthia.

News & Updates
It’s been a privilege serving you, Encinitas!
The support I’ve received from so many of you over this campaign and my several previous campaigns is something for which I will be forever grateful. We’ve worked together to create a community that we can be proud of, that provides opportunities for people to enjoy all that our city by the sea has to […]
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We’re inches from the finish line!
As the hours tick down toward the voting deadline at 8 p.m. tomorrow, I’m enthusiastic about the outcome, and frankly looking forward to getting back to concentrating on working for you – the people of Encinitas. If you haven’t voted yet, please do, even if it’s not for me. Democracy is not a spectator sport. […]
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This election will determine the future of Encinitas
My opponent’s campaign is founded on the notion that Encinitas can fight the State of California’s increasingly strict housing laws – and win. He blithely ignores the fact that we’ve been there, done that, and it was a disaster that cost us millions of Encinitas taxpayer dollars.
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Our Encinitas spirit was alive and well last night!
Thank you to the 100+ Encinitas residents who came to see the final debate! There are some issues where Bruce and I agree, but others where the contrast is stark. I feel my policies and beliefs look to a realistic future, and he’s trying to recreate and sell you his unrealistic vision of the past.
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Here’s why Measure K is a great investment for Encinitas
This one-cent sales tax increase will fund crucial infrastructure upgrades and public safety enhancements, ensuring Encinitas remains safe and vibrant for generations. It’s a small cost to protect our legacy, and much of it will be paid by visitors, not locals. This is why a broad coalition of leaders — from the Encinitas Firefighters Association […]
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‘Local control,’ a euphemism for exclusivity
Instead of wasting energy and taxpayer funds fighting State law, let’s utilize the control we have and craft ways to actually address our housing affordability challenges. Because if we think we’re going to lock our community in amber, it will change out from under us, and we’ll be left with only old rich people as […]